Marta's Homemade Cuban Churros Recipe

Making a Memory

My kids were all born here in Southern California. My husband is also a native Californian. So the only kind of churros they've ever known have come from a cart at Disneyland.

Churro cart at Disneyland
Churro cart at Disneyland

But those are Mexican-style. They are hard and crunchy with lots of brown sugar. They are tasty enough, but I am used to light and fluffy Cuban-style churros.  

Oh, yeah!

The kind you can have for breakfast with Café con Leche, or on a cold night with Chocolaté Caliente.

It was unseasonably cold here yesterday, which seemed like a perfect time to make churros.

Jonathan, especially gets such a kick out of this.  Some foods, he believes, can only be made in restaurants or found in grocery stores.

So, when I get an urge to make home-made potato chips or something that usually comes packaged, he responds with:  "Mom, that's so . . . pro."

When I served the "Vaca Frita" for dinner. Eric said, "Honey, this is a gourmet meal."

I take the compliments and refrain from the lecture about how important the entire process is.  My own childhood was filled with memories of food and family and the kitchen and conversation.  It is part of my very Cuban DNA.  It's not just about getting food on the table. It's not about convenience and speed, (although, this particular recipe is super simple and only takes a few minutes) but about the pleasure of working side by side.  It's about the aromas and tastes that affect memory.  It's about laughing together.  It's about making the memory.

But I know that this is something that is more "caught, than taught."  And I continue to feed them in my "pro and gourmet" way, because later in life I know they will say, "My mom made the BEST churros!"

And I know they won't be able to remember which was really better: the churros themselves, or the fun we had preparing them. 

And it really won't matter. =D

Marta's Homemade Cuban Churros Recipe

Marta's Homemade Churros
Marta's Homemade Churros


  • 1 cup (all-purpose) flour
  • 1 cup water with 1/8 tsp. of salt
  • vegetable oil
  • Plate of granulated or powdered sugar

1) Sift the flour in a mixing bowl, while bringing the salted water to a boil.

2) Pour the boiling water over the flour, stirring lightly until the dough forms into a ball - about 30 seconds. The dough should be compact, but not runny or too soft.

3) If you have a churrera or a cookie press, load it up with the dough. If not, a big freezer zip lock or a pastry bag with a corner cut off works, too.  Use a star shaped tip, if you have it.

4) Squeeze dough onto waxed paper in about 6 inch strips.

5) Heat the oil until very hot.

Cooking churros
Cooking churros

6) Fry the dough in the super-hot oil, turning once when you see the edges barely begin to pick up color. (think pancakes) Fry for about 5 minutes total.

7) Remove with a slotted spoon, draining as much oil as possible and place on the sugar plate and roll in the sugar.

Rolling churros in sugar
Rolling churros in sugar

8) The churros will be ready to eat almost immediately.

9) The memory will last forever. ;-)

Why I'll Never Have My Own Cooking Show *sigh*- A Giveaway

I still have so much more to tell you about my trip to General Mills and the Betty Crocker Kitchens. I have some very cool recipes I want to share and also some fun stuff to giveaway. There was so much to take in that I can't possibly write about it all in one post, so I will be writing about this for the next week or so (I'll also do some giveaways to make it worth your while).

First, can I just tell you that I have moments when I'm very aware of my Cuban-ness? I'm aware that I'm pushy and loud and prone to performing spontaneous bouts of stand-up comedy. (I know. Shut up.)

Out of the larger group of 30 bloggers that got to go on this amazing trip, 6 of us were Latinas. Latinabloggers

L-R: Me, Silvia of Mama Latina Tips, Joscelyn of Mami & the Multiples, Melanie of Modern Mami, Nika of Nika's Culinaria, and Migdalia of Latina on a Mission.

The good folks at General Mills were more than gracious hosts and much to my delight, let us cook in the Betty Crocker Studio Kitchen along with Chef Cristina of Que Rica Vida. (I felt sooo accidentally cool.)

And I fell in love with Chef Cristina. She is the Mexican Nitza Villapol (but with a better sense of humor).

Me & cristina
We made 7 (!) recipes in an hour with the cameras rolling and in spite of having the noisy, attention-seeking Cuban on the set (yes, that would be me, but that's not important right now.), she managed to maneuver around the kitchen with tremendous poise and ease, giving instruction and keeping us focused. 

We made alfajores (a particularly lovely and flaky shortbread) stuffed with dulce de leche! (Thank you, God!), various types of cookies and bars and crepes, (I know. Crepes! Who knew?) and my personal favorite.....



  • Vegetable oil
  • 4 tablespoons sugar
  • 2 teaspoons ground cinnamon
  • 3 1/4 cups Original Bisquick® mix(<--How awesome is this??)
  • 1 cup hot water
  1. In 3-quart saucepan, heat oil (2 to 3 inches) over medium-high heat until thermometer inserted in oil reads 375°F.
  2. In small bowl, mix 3 tablespoons of the sugar and the cinnamon; set aside. In medium bowl, stir Bisquick mix, hot water and remaining 1 tablespoon sugar with spatula until dough forms.
  3. Spoon dough into pastry bag fitted with 1/4-inch star tip. Pipe 5-inch strips of dough into hot oil. If necessary, cut dough with knife or scissors between each churro. Cook 2 to 3 minutes, turning frequently, until golden brown. Carefully remove from oil; drain on paper towels.
  4. Immediately sprinkle churros generously with sugar-cinnamon mixture. Serve warm.

Special Touch:
For a chocolate-covered delight, dip one end of each cooled churro into melted chocolate candy coating, and place on waxed paper until set. (recipe courtesy of Betty Crocker Kitchens.)

Marta's Special Touch: Personally, I think I'll try injecting them with melted dulce de guayaba. Genius, right?

They are quick. They are easy. They are tasty. (Win!)

So they filmed us and made us look like kitchen pros. Notice how they added cool cooking-show music and the aren't-we-all-that mini-interviews about how easy and fun it was to make these recipes. (<--both completely true.)

But, boy howdy! I couldn't get over just how round my face was on camera!  The phrase "cara de papa" (potato face) kept going through my head. They say the camera adds ten pounds to you, but honestly, I think I added those on my very own, thankyouverymuch. So, I came to the cataclysmic decision that there would be NO cooking show in my future. *sigh* (Not that there was really any danger of there being one, but still...)

So now I'm a little depressed, but I know what will cheer me.....

How about a giveaway? (Yes, Marta, that will make us all feel better about the roundness of your face. =D)

I have a beautiful & fabulous RED (!) Betty Crocker Tote Bag with a Dessert Decorator device to give away. There's a Bisquick spatula and some Shake & Pour Bisquick in there, too (I swear it's in there, I just didn't get a picture of it. Don't judge me - I'm a little depressed.)

Tote & decorator 

To be entered in the drawing, just answer one or all of these questions in the comment section of this post:

  • Do you use Bisquick? If so, what do you make with it? 
  • What would you stuff your churros with?
  • What should be the name of my cooking show, if I did have one? (I can still dream, can't I?) ;-)

I'll choose a winner on Monday, September 6th at 11:00 AM Pacific Time. (I also have more Betty Crocker giveaways for next week, but that's not important right now. =D)

[Disclosure:  General Mills paid for my entire trip and treated us like royalty. Even if they hadn't, I would still gush about the fabulous treatment and I am still a huge Betty Crocker fan.  Thanks to Matt Holland Photography for making me look cute in spite of my "cara de papa."]