Drum roll, please....

Main Entry: win·ner 
Pronunciation: \ˈwi-nər\
Function: noun
Date: 14th century

1) one that wins.
2) one that is successful especially through praiseworthy ability and hard work.

The winner of the Cafe Cubano Mug:

Cafe cubano mug

i'm forgiving you (and kikita, ) only because i want that mug. .... and the apron too.
my dear child your sins are forgiven.

Dear Marta,

I can't wait until you have some more time for blogging. Think of us your faithful readers. We miss you!

Maria Eugenia


 I took all of the names of the commentors and put them into a list at random.org and then randomized them.
Two drawings. One for each item.
That's how I drew the winners.
Please shoot me an email and write HEY MARTA! I WON STUFF ON YOUR BLOG in the subject line (so I don't accidentally delete).

I'm grateful to all of you for your patience and for your lovely supportive comments.  You MBFCF readers are truly awesome!
Just reading all of them make me realize that really, I am the real winner here.

And now we return you to your regularly scheduled blogging. =D

Guilt-free blogging

Okay, so I'm feeling a little bit guilty because I haven't been blogging lately. (shut up. I know.)

But frankly, I haven't been near a computer and I'm still up to my (Royal Shakespearean!) eyeballs in costumes and sets.

And there are still two more performances before I can breathe again (at least for a moment before I have to dress twenty-two Oompa-Loompas, but that's not important right now).

But, you see, this guilt thing works in your favor, because in order to assuage my guilt, I'm going to have to do something nice.

So I'm giving stuff away.

Well, I was intending to give something away anyway to celebrate this, my 700th post! 

(I realize that celebrating having written 700 posts by complaining that I haven't been posting just drips of irony, but that's not important right now either. =D)

1) A Cafe Cubano mug from Cuba to Go!

Cafe cubano mug

2)  A Cocina Cubana apron also from Cuba to Go!
(because that's my online shop and I can give stuff away if I want to. =D)

Cocina cubana
To enter, just leave a comment on this post letting me know that you understand and forgive me for the lack of posting and I'll do a drawing on Wednesday afternoon. How easy is that?  =D

So, until then... just talk amongst yourselves.  ;-)

The envelope please...

First, I want to thank all of you who left (such nice!!) comments and participated in The My Big, Fat, Cuban Family Two Year Blogiversary Giveaway of '08 (I think that name gives this silly contest more gravitas, but that's not important right now).  You are the reason I do what I do and I'm grateful for your feedback. Gracias!

Here's how I chose the winners:
1) I went to Random.org and copied all of your names into a list.
2) I then had it randomize the list 6 times - once for each drawing.
3) I copied and pasted the comments of the winners below.
4) I felt a little guilty that not everyone could win and had a moment of sadness. =(

Congratulations to the winners!  I will be needing your snail mail information to send out the goodies, so please email me ASAP. Send me an email with HEY, MARTA, I JUST WON STUFF ON YOUR BLOG! in the subject line (so I won't accidentally send you into the junk box =D). I promise to keep all your information confidential.

And the winners are.....
My Big, Fat, Cuban Family Mugs go to:

Hi Marta,

CONGRATULATIONS!!! I love your blog and have faithfully kept up with it for the entire time....certaninly hope to do so for many, many more years!!! You and Kikita are the best!!!
I wish you all the best ALWAYS!!! You have a beautiful family and you're beautiful outside and in!!!

Happy 2nd Anniversary!!! :0)

I can't remember if I've ever left a comment before ! Oh well, I still read your blog pretty much every day. Your are so blessed with such a wonderful family, and the traditions you maintain. I don't care if I win anything (it would be nice, but that is not why I am commenting). I wish you only the best, and I hope you continue to blog for many years to come.


Cuban Spice Aprons from Cuba To GO! will be going to:

I read your blog EVERY day. Thank you for being a part of my extended Cuban family.

Congratulations!!! Happy Birthday!!! Feliz cumpleanos!!

Love your blog. Love your product line--especially those four kids! ;-)

I'm getting in touch with my inner Latin soul after two weeks in Italy. I know, it's not Cuba, it's not even Spain. But it's still....Latin.

Me, me, ooh, ooh, me!!!! I am enjoying your blog (and your family) so much...and I've got MY own Big Fat Cuban Family!

OK, I'm shameless. My outlaws think I'm a golddigger (wrong) but they also think I'm cheap (right), so I can't bring myself to spend money on luxuries when our budget is tight (oh, that the ex-wife would remarry -- St Ann, St Ann, send Imelda a man). So count me in!

I'd like to send stuff out next week, so please email me as soon as you can.

Again, thanks to all of you who come over each day and so graciously allow me (and Kikita) to share my family and my adventures with you each week.  And now that you've come out of lurking, I expect you to comment often! 
Even if it's just to tell me, "Marta, honey, you're obviously tired. Go take a nap."  =D


In my dreams...

In my dreams, I never thought I'd be...

a) Blogging. (seriously, who blogs? =D)
b) Still going strong after 2 years. (2 whole years!!)

To date I've written over 600 posts and you've responded with over 2300 comments.  And I love that you follow me over to Babalú every other Thursday to try my latest recipes.

We are SOOO celebrating this week!


"How will we be celebrating?"  you ask.
(or maybe you're asking "why are we celebrating, again?" but that's not important right now. =D)

I'm giving stuff away.

And you know I'm no slouch in the gift giving department.

So, this week I'm giving away the following:

a) TWO My Big, Fat, Cuban Family Coffee Mugs.


b) TWO Cuban Spice Aprons from Cuba To Go!


c) TWO My Big, Fat, Cuban Family Cookbooks.


To enter the drawing, please leave a comment on this post and I'll do a random drawing on Friday, October 3rd at 10 AM Pacific Time. 

This is my way of thanking you all for being such fun and faithful readers.  I am honored and humbled by your presence here.

Mi blog-casa es su blog-casa. 



(POR SI ACASO: No, that's not a real magazine cover. And yes, I know I stink at Photoshop. Just having some celebratory 2-year blogoversary fun.  =D)

Dressing for success


Isn't she adorable? This is sweet CJ wearing a prototype of an apron for Marta's Cuban American Kitchen.

Her grandma is my best friend and a dedicated lover of all things Cuban, but especially Cuban food.

I get such a kick out of this. Some of my very first memories involve helping in the kitchen and of course, the greatest, most fun part was strapping on that apron.  It made me feel so professional and special.

Okay, so really, I still like any excuse to dress up, but that's not important right now. ;-)

Get your own apron here. Your Cuban food will taste so much better. Trust me. =D

Crunch Top Applie Pie Recipe: It's as Cuban-American as "Mami, Pastel de Manzana, y la Bandera" ;-)

I know you were wondering what we did with all those wounded apples from Thanksgiving.

Well, wonder no more.

The Galas (those are the red and yellow ones) went to my mom's and she reported that they are now two jars of delicious homemade applesauce.

The Granny Smiths (the green ones) went into a pie.  A good ole homemade Crunch Top Apple Pie.

But, but, but. . . (I can hear you sputtering. . .)

That's not Cuban food!

No. You're right.  It's Cuban-American food.  Lucy made it!  =D

She's a Cuban-American (version 2.0).  (Get your own 2.0 gear here.)

Sheesh!  ;-)



Crunch Top Apple Pie Recipe

Dough and Filling:
Dough for a double crust 9-inch pie (homemade, frozen, or refrigerated)
3/4 cup sugar
1 Tbsp. all-purpose flour
1 tsp. cinnamon
Dash of salt
3 1/2 cups peeled, chopped cooking apples (like Granny Smiths)
1 (16 oz.) jar applesauce
1 Tbsp. lemon juice
2 Tbsp. butter, chopped into small pieces


Crunch Topping:
3 Tbsp. all-purpose flour
1 Tbsp. sugar
Dash of salt
1 Tbsp. butter, at room temperature

Preheat oven to 425° degrees F.

1) Line a 9-inch pie pan with half of the dough.
2) Combine sugar, flour, cinnamon, and salt in a bowl.
3) Stir in apples, applesauce, and lemon juice.
4) Spoon apple mixture into pie pan and dot with butter.
5) Place remaining crust over top of pie.


6) Cut vents.
7) For crunch topping, combine flour, sugar, and salt in a bowl.
8) Using a fork, cut in butter until mixture is crumbly.
9) Sprinkle over top of crust.
10) Bake for 10 minutes
11) Then reduce heat to 350° degrees and continue to bake for about 45 minutes, or until crust and topping are golden brown.

Getting ready for the holidays here.  I made Crème de Vie (Cuban egg nog) over at Babalú today.  (Impossibly) Sweet!


NOTE: my culinary posts go live around 11:30 am Eastern - just in time for lunch. =D

We are fa-mi-ly . . .

P5134032I am the youngest of six.

We are five daughters.


With five strong and sometimes (many times) opposing opinions. Which is totally fitting for Cuban women.

I have a brother who lives in Texas  (I sometimes wonder if he didn't move so far away because he got a little tired of living with so many Cuban women, but then he has a Cuban wife, but that's not important right now. =D) but my sisters all live nearby.

My big sisters.
Which makes me The Baby.

Always The Baby.
No matter what I do or how old I get, I can't shake that.
It's always a part of my familial identity.
I am and will always be their Little Sister.

My sisters are all talented, beautiful, amazing and strong.
They are all wonderful cooks, too. (no surprise there!)
But we have roles that we play in the family unit that cannot be deviated from.

So here is how our Thanksgiving division of labor works:
The two oldest, Ofelia and Helen (back right) will do all the cooking.  Alina (in blue, bottom right) will bake the desserts.  Miriam (far left) who lives in the high desert and has to travel the furthest, brings drinks.  I get to send invitations, open my home, set tables and host.  I won't be called upon to do any of the cooking because that is the job of the two eldest. 

Sometimes I want to protest:  "Yes, but. . ." 


That is how it's always been. That is how it always will be.

Because I am:

  • The Baby
  • The Artistic One
  • The Little Sister
  • The Family Entertainment Unit (=D)

No matter what I am capable of in any other part of my life, or what my apron says!   ;-)


Get your own Cocinera apron or tee at my online store:  Cuba To Go!
And check out my Cuban Recipes at Babalúblog.
But, shh!  Don't tell Ofie & Helen I've been doing the cooking.  ;-)

What the hip chicks are saying.

I was nine years old when I became an aunt for the first time.  It was because of the birth of the first grandchild (who was in California) that my parents made the decision to move from Miami to the Left Coast.  My dad's reasoning was that if the bearded dictator couldn't keep our family apart, certainly a simple thing like Geography was not going to either.

So we moved. And my sisters kept giving birth.
My mom's gift to the new parents was a rocking chair.  "Un balancé." But really, it was kept at our house. Because it was my mom, the new grandmother, who rocked those babies.
Every Cuban baby in my family was rocked to sleep.
She would rock and sing, rock and sing, until that baby sighed deeply, which was the signal that they were asleep.

She would sing about how the beautiful baby who was born in the morning wanted to be taken to the bakery. Or the beautiful baby who was born at night wanted to be taken for a stroller ride.  (In Spanish "dia" rhymes with "dulceria" and "noche" rhymes with "coche.")  She sang about the sound the little chicks made when they were hungry and tired.  "Los pollitos dicen, pio, pio, pio. . ." 

Luza_and_newborn_amy095 She didn't have an amazing voice, but the rhythm of the rocker along with the sweet lullabies was incredibly comforting. (Here she is with my newborn Amy in 1983.)

When my own babies were born, it was a given that the first thing I needed (besides Agustin Reyes Agua de Violetas!) was a rocking chair, and almost unconsciously, I, too rocked and sang, until they sighed deeply and let me know they were sound asleep.
Being a mother, to me, is synonymous with holding and rocking and rocking and singing.  I would sing, too, about those hungry and tired little chicks saying, "pio, pio, pio." 

Imagine my delight to find that there was an inspired and talented Cuban company out there called Los Pollitos Dicen that had baby tee designs that captured those sweet Spanish baby sounds! (Just like the lullaby! How cute is that??)

I got to know Carrie via the internet when she Googled "Cuban baby tees" and found me and Cuba To GO!  were her competition. (I use the word "competition" very lightly.  Los Pollitos Dicen offers a unique and high quality product. I am awed by the simplicity and beauty of their designs. My stuff is more silly and fun in a more generic Cuban way. =D)  We have forged a friendship based on mutual respect and the familiarity of being raised in our inimitable Cuban culture and of being intimately acquainted with the Cuban-nagging sport of "el tiki-tiki." ;-)

I'm so proud to tell you that (our VERY FAVORITE place to shop, EVER!) Target (in their online Red Hot Shop) is featuring Carrie's onesies and bibs this week in honor of Hispanic Heritage Month

[WARNING: Shameless plug ahead:]

If you have a little Latino baby anywhere on your radar, or you just want your baby to be culturally hip =D, please go to this link.   

By the way, I'm still rocking and singing, but that's a story for another day. ;-)

(Note to Carrie:  you owe me leche condensada for this. =D)

Havana Surf Team Training Camp

P9018313The West Coast representatives of the Havana Surf Team (henceforth to be known as the HST)  will be in serious training all week on the beautiful beaches of San Diego, California. ;-)

I'll be bringing live reports from their training facility.

My job for the entire week is to document the adventures of the HST from paddle out to wipe out.

I will be doing lots of research on various subjects, too. Which involves a lot of READING. =D

And sadly, (=D) I won't be able to cook all week.  But I will still be directing the Team "comelatas."  ;-) (read "eat-a-thons")

If you have any questions or problems, the Home Office will be manned by AJ.
In the meantime, show your solidarity by getting your HST shirts here.

Go Team! =D


Beta testing

P8087440I do a lot of stuff.
A lot.
In case you don't already know, I have an online shop called CubaToGo! (see link on left side there).  I am constantly getting ideas of stuff I'd like to wear on a tshirt or cap, or even on a sticker or a mug.  Always related to being Cuban, because, well.... I am Cuban.  (And darn proud of it!)

So, I had this idea for a new design and I started playing with it, changing colors, typefaces and swirls.

For Lucy's birthday-party-murder-thing a few weeks ago, I changed the design I was working on ("Cubanita") to say "Beauty" and it found itself onto a tote bag, tshirt and a cd. 

This is all the stuff the girls found in their goodie bags.  I know it looks elaborate, but it was really more creative than costly. (Thanks to the dollar bins at Target and with special thanks to my sister, Ofelia, who works for Lancome and donated the mascaras & juicy tubes. Thanks, Ofie! =D)


Anyway, the girls, I found, really loved their tshirts. In fact, by the end of the night, they were all wearing them and gushing. Yes, they gushed.

And I realized I had come up with a winning design.

This is apparently known as "beta testing."  Who knew?

I just call it "trying out a new design that I would wear myself."  (but that's not important right now. =D)
