The envelope please...

First, I want to thank all of you who left (such nice!!) comments and participated in The My Big, Fat, Cuban Family Two Year Blogiversary Giveaway of '08 (I think that name gives this silly contest more gravitas, but that's not important right now).  You are the reason I do what I do and I'm grateful for your feedback. Gracias!

Here's how I chose the winners:
1) I went to and copied all of your names into a list.
2) I then had it randomize the list 6 times - once for each drawing.
3) I copied and pasted the comments of the winners below.
4) I felt a little guilty that not everyone could win and had a moment of sadness. =(

Congratulations to the winners!  I will be needing your snail mail information to send out the goodies, so please email me ASAP. Send me an email with HEY, MARTA, I JUST WON STUFF ON YOUR BLOG! in the subject line (so I won't accidentally send you into the junk box =D). I promise to keep all your information confidential.

And the winners are.....
My Big, Fat, Cuban Family Mugs go to:

Hi Marta,

CONGRATULATIONS!!! I love your blog and have faithfully kept up with it for the entire time....certaninly hope to do so for many, many more years!!! You and Kikita are the best!!!
I wish you all the best ALWAYS!!! You have a beautiful family and you're beautiful outside and in!!!

Happy 2nd Anniversary!!! :0)

I can't remember if I've ever left a comment before ! Oh well, I still read your blog pretty much every day. Your are so blessed with such a wonderful family, and the traditions you maintain. I don't care if I win anything (it would be nice, but that is not why I am commenting). I wish you only the best, and I hope you continue to blog for many years to come.


Cuban Spice Aprons from Cuba To GO! will be going to:

I read your blog EVERY day. Thank you for being a part of my extended Cuban family.

Congratulations!!! Happy Birthday!!! Feliz cumpleanos!!

Love your blog. Love your product line--especially those four kids! ;-)

I'm getting in touch with my inner Latin soul after two weeks in Italy. I know, it's not Cuba, it's not even Spain. But it's still....Latin.

Me, me, ooh, ooh, me!!!! I am enjoying your blog (and your family) so much...and I've got MY own Big Fat Cuban Family!

OK, I'm shameless. My outlaws think I'm a golddigger (wrong) but they also think I'm cheap (right), so I can't bring myself to spend money on luxuries when our budget is tight (oh, that the ex-wife would remarry -- St Ann, St Ann, send Imelda a man). So count me in!

I'd like to send stuff out next week, so please email me as soon as you can.

Again, thanks to all of you who come over each day and so graciously allow me (and Kikita) to share my family and my adventures with you each week.  And now that you've come out of lurking, I expect you to comment often! 
Even if it's just to tell me, "Marta, honey, you're obviously tired. Go take a nap."  =D
