The decadence of capitalism


I'm so jaded.
I forget that we live such a privileged lifestyle.
I take so much for granted.
Until I have an out of town visitor who, every time I show him something declares he's never seen anything like it before.
Like Sprinkles.
There was a "cola." A line snaking out of the front door and wrapping around the shops.
The people seemed absolutely content to stand in the line. They waited patiently. Quietly. Courteously.
To buy cupcakes. CUPCAKES, people!
"No lo creo."  ("I don't believe it.")
Welcome to Newport Beach, California. Home of the three dollar and twenty-five cent cupcake. And the endless line of patient consumers waiting for their cupcake fix.


It seems wrong somehow to spend that much for a cupcake, I know.
A little decadent.
I agree.
But we stood patiently in line and waited our turn. (Which you have to admit was a lovely demonstration of the civility of a democratic society, but that's not important right now.)
And happily forked over the $3.25 for the cupcake.

Did I feel guilty?
Maybe for just a moment, until I took that very first bite.
Guilt? What? Where?

Perfection, Red Velvet is thy name. =D