Keeping Calm

Sometimes I feel like I've said everything I need to say. And sometimes I feel like I have told my same stories a thousand times. Maybe it's because I start to tell a story and my kids stop me in mid-sentence with a resounding, "We know!"

I thought about retiring my blogging jersey (metaphorically speaking) and shut down My Big, Fat, Cuban Family. Seriously. I sometimes feel like I don't have a fresh thought in my poor, tired brain.

So, I was having guests for dinner a few weeks ago, and I woke up with my first thought being that I had a mile long to-do list, because, of course, I had procrastinated until the last minute and had to, not only cook, but clean and do all the company-is-coming preparations. (Don't judge.)

And I had promised my Homemade Pastelitos de Guayaba.(<--click on the link for the super simple recipe.)

At this point, I started doing some positive self-talk:

"You can do this."

"You've entertained hundreds of times. Don't panic!"


"Keep calm."

For the record - 1) I don't always talk to myself. 2) Once I start to calm down, I tend to get distracted.

So, I'm looking at my to-do list and prioritizing what I need to do to meet my 6pm-here-come-my-dinner-guests-deadline and breathing deeply, when suddenly I had a Creative Brainstorm.

And I created this:


I even decided to make it into a poster to hang in my kitchen. So, I quickly hopped onto my computer and made a high resolution poster and ordered it online from Staples. (They're quick and will do these to my specifications, but that's not important right now.) I shared it all over my social media and it quickly went viral. (At least, I think over 40,000 views is close to viral...)

Screen shot

Plus, it made me really happy. Which then gave me the energy to tackle the rest of my to-do's and cook my dinner, pastelitos and all.

I know. I know. I'm so easily amused, distracted, ________(fill in the blank).

All that to say this: apparently I do occasionally still have a fresh and creative thought in my head. So, I don't think I'll quit blogging just yet.

Also, the dinner was fabulous, my guests loved the pastelitos, and my new wall art is on its way. Win.

Cuban Word of the Day

I have been taking a hiatus to get myself well again from being sick for the first part of this year. (Thank you, Vicks VaPoRub for your constant support.)

I'm 100% better and I'm ready to jump back into blog-world. I had a feeling-sorry-for-myself-emotionally-fragile moment of "I wonder if anyone even remembers me?"

This morning I wake up to this in my Facebook news feed, which was like a shot of adrenaline.

Wait! Is that my face? Shut. UP. I feel sooo accidentally cool!

Cuban word of the day

I may or may not have shed a quick tear. Gracias, Wassup En LA? I'm back. Pastelitos and all.

Also, here's the link for my Homemade Pastelitos de Guayaba. And here's the link to Wassup En LA?'s Facebook Page.  You must "like" them because you will LOVE them. Amen.

Marta's Homemade Pastelitos de Guayaba Recipe

My husband is an Internet Marketing Guy. (He prefers to be called “The Marketing Guru,” but that’s not important right now.) He tells me search engine facts like: “Your site has had X number of hits today.” This information totally makes me feel cool, although I’m a little puzzled by how it is that people are finding me.

He patiently explains: “They’re Googling Cuban things.”

That sentence right there throws me into spasms of laughter. (Holy cow! Who are these people? Can they be stopped? I crack myself up.)

When I finally catch my breath again (and he stops frowning) he goes on to let me know that people are searching for “keywords” such as: Cuban family, Cuban-American life, and even “Kevin Bacon to Andy Garcia.”

But apparently, the “Cuban thing” that people are Googling the most and which most often leads them toMy big, fat, Cuban family is (drum roll please). . . “pastelitos de guayaba.”

“My pastelitos are getting Googled?”

Yikes! That means that all of cyber-space knows that I’m just a cheater and a poser.

Or . . . (as The Marketing Guru spins it) I’m just a Smart Cuban Cook living in a pastelito-challenged location. (phew!)

God, I love that man.

Pastelitos 5
Pastelitos 5

Marta’s Homemade Pastelitos de Guayaba Recipe

  • 1 pkg. Pepperidge Farm Puff Pastry Sheets
  • 1 bar guava paste
  • 1 pkg. Cream cheese (optional)

1) Preheat oven to 400 degrees.

2) Thaw the puff pastry according to package directions.

Pastelitos 1
Pastelitos 1

3) Use baking parchment to line your cookie sheet so the guava won’t stick.

4) Unfold one of the pastry sheets and place on pan.

5) Cut guava into 1/4 inch slices and place on the pastry sheet.

6) Spread cream cheese over guava paste slices (optional).

Pastelitos 2
Pastelitos 2

7) Unfold second pastry sheet and place on top of guava paste. 

8) Cut to desired size before baking.

Pastelitos 3
Pastelitos 3

9) Bake at 400 for 25 to 35 minutes or until golden brown.

Pastelitos 4
Pastelitos 4

10) They will look absolutely irresistible, but (seriously, trust me on this) use as much self-control as you can muster and give them time to cool before taking that first bite.

(originally posted on Babalú blog - April 2008)