Sapo verde eres tu

Kimberly photoboothI don't know her very well, because, well, she lives in Miami and I'm here in So Cal.

We've a little bit of face-time in the past year, but not enough to where I can say I know everything there is to know about her.

But I do know this.....

Not only did my nephew, Michael, fall in love with her, so has every single person in our big, fat, Cuban family.

Meet Kimberly Verdés.

My niece-in-law. 

If you met her, you'd fall in love with her, too.

She is absolutely as adorable as she appears.

Today's her Happy Birthday.

I have no idea what to get the adorable Kimberly for her birthday, so I am dedicating this post to her and wishing her a Happy Birthday.

(This is the sweetest part about having a blog..... no matter what other fabulous gifts she may get on her birthday (and I know she'll get many!) I'll bet she shows this one to everyone she knows.)   ;-)

Happy Birthday, Kimberly!

Felicidades from your favorite Aunt-in-Law.   =D