Winner - Voices from Mariel Giveaway

First, I'd like to thank all of you who sent in your "leaving Cuba" stories.
The heartbreak and beauty of them is something that I think I'm going to start sharing regularly here on my blog. Thank you, again, my friends.
I numbered each entry and plugged the numbers into the True Random Number Generator at which gave me a number.
Congratulations to the winner of the Voices from Mariel DVD:
Maria said...

Cuando salí de lloré.

In 1969, while waiting at the airport for the plane that would take me and my parents to our new life and saying our last goodbyes, I noticed I was the only one who wasn't crying. I was six years old and though my parents had been honest with me when I asked when we would see our family again ("We don't really know, hopefully not too long"), I was certain that, at most, it would be a couple of years.

I didn't understand why my only cousin, who was more of a sister to me, clung to my mother's skirt and sobbed. I suppose that, being a little older, she was less idealistic than I. I didn't know then that she would succumb to Hodgkin's disease and we would never see each other again, or that three of my four grandparents would die without having shared in my small triumphs or great joys.

Please send me an email with your snail mail address and  HEY, MARTA! I WON STUFF ON YOUR BLOG! in the subject line and I will get a copy of this beautiful film out to you immediately.
Voices from Mariel

Thanks again, to all of you. I'm quite humbled by your everyday brand of courage. Cubans continue to amaze me and make me proud every single day.
And thank you to the filmmakers who were so generous to make this available to my readers. Gracias!
For those of you who are interested. The Voices from Mariel DVD is available for purchase here.