Why I love my phone - An ode to techno-sharing
/I love my phone because it takes pictures.
I love it because it videotapes.
I love it because it allows me to instantly share my life.
It is not the coolest, hippest, latest, thinnest or anything like that.
But it does what I want it to do and I know how to work it. Enough said.
Whenever we go someplace fun, we take a dorky "look where we are" photo and share it with our friends. The photos illustrate what's happening in a way words alone just can't. I love that.
Amy was able to share with me that she found Paul Anka's star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.
(you'd have to be a Gilmore Girls fan to understand the significance of that - and, of course, we are.)
So I was able to share in her joy of that moment.
See? My phone is worth loving just for giving us that.
This is how I know that Amy is feeling anti-Ché today. You can read all the reasons why here.
I love my phone because my friends in Hanford can share moments of their day and their life with us. And they do. Often.
Here is Gene's new coffee making device. He's our adored coffee snob.
We exchange pictures with him EVERY DAY.
And video too.
He shares with us his afternoon trips to Panera Bakery and videotapes the endless train that runs through the middle of Hanford making him suffer just a little until he can get his sandwich.
We feel your pain, Gene.
They send us video of their beautiful granddaughter saying her first word. I think it was "uh-oh" - or at least that's what she said as she launched her cup over the high chair - hilarious!
Did I mention I love my phone?
This is how I communicate daily with my husband, my older kids, my friends.
I love that we can share life this way.
I love the night that Katie sent me a text & picture: Amy made natilla! Come over right now!
When we got there, my sisters Helen and Alina were already there and enjoying the Cuban custard and praising Amy.
Come on - admit it. This is fun like no other!
Or could it be (yet again) that I'm just shallow? And easily entertained?
It could indeed. But I still love this techno-sharing.
I think I might have the upper-respiratory thing that's going around. =(
So when I sent this text out today that reads:
"I'm not feeling well today. I might have to stay in bed."
I could also add:
"But don't my toes look cute?" =D
ADDED 2/7/07: I was soo not kidding about Gene & the train ;-)