What do you call your Abuela?
/The span in age between me and my oldest sister, Ofie, is about fifteen years. Which means she was married and had her first child, Annette, by the time I was nine. Which means that at that point in my young life, my mother, Luz, became a grandmother.
"La Abuela!" She had waited so long to finally hear those words. She could barely wait until Annette started talking!
Ah, but let me tell you about Annette - she was a precocious and clever and creative child, who, as soon as she could talk and found out that her grandmother's name was Luz Aurora started calling her Luza. And that name has stuck.
Luza. That's how she even introduces herself now. My sisters and I call her Luza. She is Luza to all the other fifteen grandchildren and the seven great-grands. Luza is what all her friends call her now.
Ironically, there is still one grandchild who calls her Abuela.
You guessed it.
Annette, her very first grandchild, the one who baptized her as Luza, is now the only one who calls her Abuela. Go figure!
I secretly suspect that because she was the first grand, and the one who gave her that special nickname, my mom loves her the most. But don't tell the rest of them... ;-)
Still clever and creative, smart and generous.
She's a wonderful daughter, granddaughter, niece, and friend.
Happy Birthday, Annette!
I love you, too. ;-)