Tiki Tiki - stories with cultura, color and sabor

I'm involved in a lot of projects.
But I'm particularly proud of this one:


It's a new magazine-style site called the Tiki Tiki. (I'm soooo excited about this!)

The best part of this project is that I have had the privilege and pleasure to collaborate with three amazingly talented and passionate Latinas:  Carrie, Carla and Violeta.

Why Tiki Tiki? We Cubans call the loud and animated exchange of opinions and ideas "El Tiki Tiki." Think lots of hand gestures and talking over one another and jumping from subject to subject in that really loud, wow-you're-sooo-Latino way. 

With that definition in mind you can understand why we chose Tiki Tiki. We plan to do a lot of talking. (A lot!) And covering lots of subjects and doing it all at once.

There are featured articles, recipes (ahem...), inspiration, news, giveaways, videos, lots of great links and stories. Lots of stories. Our stories. But most importantly, we want your stories, too. (I love this part...)

We totally want to connect with you, and so we have created groups on Flickr , YouTube and a Facebook fan page. We also have a Twitter page to tweet the daily happenings. You can learn more about this easy and fabulous approach to connecting with us here. You also can sign-up to receive the Tiki Tiki in your mailbox. (Can this be any easier or more fun??)

I can ask politely that you visit Tiki Tiki. Or I can entice you by offering a giveaway. (Ah! What a great idea!! =D)

We have some fabulous Latino books to give away. Just leave a comment at this link to enter.


Please go check it out. I feel very proud and excited and a little exhausted; Working on this project has been just like giving birth (well, except for the mess and the screaming, but that's not important right now. =D)