The "Sanweech Plancha" Winner

You know what I love about my readers? That you come in all shapes and sizes and have extraordinary taste in sandwiches. 

IMUSA sandwich maker

I confess that I'm surprised that a lot of you don't have your own sandwich "plancha." How do you grill, not just a Classic Cuban Sandwich, but what about a pan con lechón? Or a pan con bistec? (I may or may not be losing sleep pondering this question, but that's not important right now.)

Anyway, congratulations to the winner of the beautiful IMUSA Sandwich maker and Cuban coffeemaker:

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Guess what, Amanda? You own a plancha now. ;-)

Please send me an email with HEY, MARTA! I WON STUFF ON YOUR BLOG! in the subject line. Include your snail mail address so I can forward to the generous folks at IMUSA so they can get your goodies out to you ASAP. 

Most IMUSA products can be found at Macy's Department Stores. I encourage you to also follow them on their Facebook page for regular recipe ideas and updates to their amazing product line.

(For the record, we actually took a road trip to Porto's Cuban Bakery for the Cuban bread and made pan con lechón. Because we could...)