The Perfect Motivator

So it's a week before Christmas and we've been crazy-busy doing all those things we do to get ready for the holiday celebration. 

And truthfully, because of the way our schedules are structured, we have lots of time to do creative stuff, which makes me totally happy.  Although my camera is still in the shop because it needs a new motivator or some such thing (not really sure about the part it needs, I just pulled "motivator" out of my memory banks because I keep thinking of Star Wars when Luke tells Uncle Owen: "Uncle Owen, this droid needs a new motivator!"  but that's not important right now.)    ;-)

Anyway, an intensely cold and wet weather front just blew in yesterday and dumped gallons of icy water on us.  It rained for most of the night and it was still "dark as night" in what was supposed to be the morning.

Rain 2

I checked in on the kids and they were both still sound asleep and that's when I did it.  

I whispered, "This is a PERFECT DAY."

"We have been too busy," I said to myself.  (I said it to myself to keep from waking everyone up....)

So I let the kids go ahead and just sleep. 

I found Eric in his office already on the same page as me. (notice he is in his PJ's & slippers.)

Rain 1

When you're taking time to enjoy your Perfect Day, it's not like you don't work or anything.... It's just that you do the work with more pleasure because YOU DON'T HAVE TO.  (See? Isn't this a fun concept? =D)

I baked.  ;-)  Yes. Of course those are my homemade pastelitos de guayaba.  I didn't have to make them.
I WANTED TO. (are you catching on yet?)

Rain 4

Lucy's choice for a Perfect Day activity:  Inkheart.
Rain 3

And then I realized I had stuff in the kitchen waiting to be mixed together in PERFECT quantities.

Rain 6

And bottles soaking in the sink. (A dozen to be exact. That I got from a local wine shop. They were empty, too. And no, the wine guys weren't at all curious to know what I would be doing with them.)
Rain 5

But I know they will be PERFECT for what I have in mind. 

Just because my camera has a bad motivator doesn't mean that I do.  =D

So while I'm working on my crema de vie, you sit back and enjoy the following Star Wars Tribute.  It seemed fitting to share it with you today.  On This Perfect Day.

(I hope you enjoy it. I didn't have to, you know.)  ;-)

I swear, it doesn't get any better than this.  Who know? It might even encourage you if you have a weak motivator....