Authentic Cuban Cuisine - A Winner
/Thank you all for sharing the magnificence of the cooks in your family. I particularly like the quote:
“What is patriotism but the love of the food one ate as a child?”
It seems particularly appropriate based on your answers. The food that was made and served with such love in our childhoods has taken a place of honor and importance in our memories. Again, thank you for sharing that and trusting me with your memories.
Just so you know, I read each and every answer. You made me smile (and made me a little hungry, but that's not important right now) as I read who it was in your family that made the delicious dish of your choice. I also laughed out loud at Maggie's memory of her mother being really great at making reservations. That was hysterical!
Now, without further ado, the winner of the Authentic Cuban Cuisine Cookbook is..........(drum roll, please)...........

My mother-in-law made a wonderful ropa vieja. I never understood the name, but loved the food!
Congratulations, Melanie! You're so going to love it! Please send me an email with HEY, MARTA! I WON STUFF ON YOUR BLOG in the subject line (so I don't accidentally delete it) and your snail mail address so that I can send out the cookbook ASAP.
For the rest of you, here's my conversation with the author, Martha Abreau Cortina, about where you can get your own copy. I'll also add a link to my sidebar. Do it. It's a wonderful addition to any Cuban cookbook collection.
She says, “It's available in, Books-A-Million stores and online; Barnes & Noble. Some book stores might not have them at the stores, but they will order it on request because it is in their catalogs. The more cutomers that request it in Barnes & Noble, the better chance they will have it at their stores soon. Thanks!”
Thank you again for sharing your memories with me and for playing along. I love giving things away, mostly because of your overwhelmingly positive responses. Thank you to Martha and to Pelican Publishing Company for making this giveaway possible.
I have lots more very cool stuff to give away this summer, so stay tuned. I may even have to start calling this The Summer of the Fabulous MBFCF Giveaways®. ;-)