A Falling Star - The Winners

I hope all of you had the chance to check out the Book Trailer for Chantel Acevedo's new Cuban-American novel, 'A Falling Star.' I love reading all your responses so much. There's so much shared history that we have being Cuban-Americans. Thank you all for your beautiful entries.

Sadly, (or happily?) I only have 2 copies of 'A Falling Star' to give away. 


Congratulations to the winners:

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Please send me an email with HEY, MARTA! I WON STUFF ON YOUR BLOG! in the subject line (so I don't accidentally delete it) which contains your mailing address. Your books will be on their way to you ASAP!

Thank you again to all who participated and shared. 

This beautiful book can be purchased as an "Advanced Copy" via the Carolina Wren Press website exclusively. Here's the link:

A Falling Star - Carolina Wren Press

Also, if you're in the area of Charlotte, North Carolina, Chantel Acevedo will be doing a reading at Park Road Books on May 8th at 7pm. Here's the link: http://www.parkroadbooks.com/event/author-event-chantel-acevedo-falling-star

I'm so proud to support this project. Congratulations and a big thank you to Chantel. Please continue to share her awesome with all your friends. 

Chocolatón - Chocolate Mousse Recipe

I’m celebrating a notable anniversary today.

February 14th was my family’s very first full day in the United States so many years ago. We had arrived the day before, on my dad's 50th birthday and it seemed to take forever to get through customs and get acclimated and move into our new (very cramped) apartment in South West Miami. That was okay, though.It was only supposed to be temporary.

That first day of freedom, my sisters and I were given heart shaped boxes full of chocolate and so a tradition was born. Every year on Valentine’s Day we would receive some kind of chocolate and every year we would remember that it was the anniversary of our first real day on U.S. soil.
Welcome to America! Happy Valentine’s Day!

We counted each year of exile as we celebrated the holiday of the heart – always with chocolate:
February 14, 1962 – One whole year. I miss my home in Havana, I miss my cousins, my abuelita, my school. My dad brings home a one pound box of American chocolates called See’s.

February 14, 1966 – It has been five years already. That pesky revolution thing is NOT blowing over. My dad gets us all little Whitman Samplers (which was awesome because the lid had a guide to the kind of chocolate contained in the box, but that's not important right now). =D

February 14,1971 – Ten years have gone by. I’m a teenager. We receive news from Cuba that my grandmother has died. “N-E-S-T-L-E-S, Nestle’s makes the very best. Cho – co – late.”

February 14,1976 – The U.S. Bicentennial. Is it possible that we’ve been here for fifteen years? I’m a brand new and very proud American citizen. I love America. I love American history. I love my bag of Hershey’s Kisses wrapped with a red, white and blue ribbon.

February 14, 1986 - It has been twenty-five years since we left Cuba. I have children of my own. Little Cuban-Americans who love M & M's (plain and peanut).

February 14,1991 – Thirty years is a lifetime. We learned a new and hopeful word – “perestroika.” The chocolates come in beautiful golden boxes from Godiva.

February 14, 2001 – My mom calls me to wish me a Happy Valentine’s Day and to remind me that it has been forty years. The tradition, like the chocolate, is bittersweet. My father has passed away. I hope to keep my promise to him to scatter his ashes one day in a free Cuba. I continue the chocolate tradition with my own children. I bake and decorate a beautiful chocolate layer cake.

February 14, 2008 – Today. My mom calls me to wish me a Happy Valentine’s Day and to remind me that it has been forty-seven years since we left our homeland.

Call me crazy, but I will forever equate the taste of chocolate with the taste of freedom.

I am unapologetically a lover of both.

Happy Valentine’s Day.

Chocolate mousse

Chocolatón (Chocolate Mousse) Recipe

  • 6 eggs (separate whites and yolks)
  • 1 12 oz. Pkg. Nestlé’s semi-sweet chocolate chips (reserve a few for topping)
  • 2 sticks butter
  • 3/4 cup sugar
  • 1 tsp. Vanilla

1) Melt the butter and chocolate chips together. This can be done on top of the stove in a double boiler, or in a microwave oven for about 1 1/2 minutes.

2) Stir the melted chocolate and melted butter together until smooth.

3) Whip the egg whites into a fluffy meringue.

Chocolate mousse 2

4) When the meringue starts to peak, add the sugar, bit by bit.

5) Fold in the egg yolks.

6) Add the (warm) chocolate mixture and the vanilla to the meringue.

Chocolate mousse 3

7) Gently blend together until it is completely mixed.

8) Pour into a serving bowl or individual cups.

9) Chill for at least an hour before serving.

10) Decorate with chocolate chips.

Buen Provecho!