Someone in Miami Loves Me UNCONDITIONALLY

I often receive things in the mail from people who know me via the blogosphere. I guess it's the nature of the way that I write that people feel like they know me and are a part of my big, fat, Cuban family. (This pleases me.)

If you've been reading my blog for a while, you know about my love for anything that involves guava and cream cheese.

And if you know me on Facebook, you would have read my updates gushing about the latest cupcakery (<--is that a word?) in our neighborhood. I think cupcakes are like the most genius invention. A mini-delicious-cake. What's not to love?

So, picture my delight last week when I received The Perfect Storm (if you will) of All The Things I Love Most.

There was a box on my doorstep that was perfectly and intricately packed. (Win!)

Box w:note 

In the box was another box and a note. (Win again!)

Cupcake box 

The final reveal.... GUAVA AND CREAM CHEESE CUPCAKES, people! (Epic win!)

Cupcakes in box 

As you know, I've been a proud member of the Babalú Blogging Family for the past three years. Which is how I got to know George (Pitbull) Moneo. (There's a point to this, I swear!)

George's sister, Luly Argimon, is the owner and operator of Unconditional Cupcakes in South Florida. And she sent me this GENIUS Cupcake Concoction of hers.

Of course, when they left Miami, these amazing cupcakes looked like this:

Guava & Cream Cheese Cupcake

Sadly, traveling all the way to California, they lost their beautiful appearance, but happily for me, their flavor was not affected.

Immediately I brewed a pot of coffee and we Darbys happily partook of this most generous gift. Perfect guava flavored cake with bits of guava (!) topped with a cream cheese buttercream frosting (of the gods!) - serious perfection.

Cupcake & coffee 

My note to Luly read as follows:

So deliriously happy with the arrival of the cupcakes.
The frosting stuck to the foil, so we carefully used a knife to re-spread it, but otherwise they looked great.
The temp was just fine. Just about room temperature. Nothing was runny. Texture was perfect.

But the taste!!! - Not enough superlatives to describe the taste!

You are THE BEST! (Your cupcakes are not too shabby, either, but that's not important right now....)


Could you do this for me and for my friend, Luly:

1) Go to Facebook and LIKE Unconditional Cupcakes. (I wish there was a LOVE button!)

2) Follow Unconditional Cupcakes on Twitter: @MiamiCupcakes

3) Check out and bookmark their new website:

4) If you're in South Florida, order some cupcakes! (They deliver. Yes, cupcake delivery. Genius, I tell you.)

5) Go read Luly's blog about (you guessed it) CUPCAKES. Here's the link. 

I have a question for you...

Do you have a favorite cupcake? Tell me.

I don't have anything to give away today (except this fabulous tip on where to get awesome cupcakes in the Miami area, but that's not important right now). I just really want to know. ;-)