¿Que Pasa, Jessica Rabbit?

Won't bore you with the details of the chest x-rays and the inhaler and the cortisone shot. 
The only plus to this whole pneumonia thing is that I sound just like Jessica Rabbit. ;-)
("I'm not bad. I'm just drawn that way.")

The fever has finally broken, but I still have to lay low for a while before I'm back to normal.
For my birthday, the kids got me the full dvd set of the Cuban American tv show from the 70's - ¿Que Pasa, USA?    I can't really watch for very long because, when I laugh out loud, I make a combination weird-snorting/coughing/hacking noise that is really not very attractive.
I have not had to cook since I got home. Eric is the one doing the dialing and making the pizzas. =D

So when he asked me today what I missed about Miami, just a few things came to mind.

SIGH. (cough, cough, hack, sputter, snort) ;-)


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