"Que es El Tiki Tiki?" - an explanation

We just got back to California from Miami yesterday. I am just starting to sort through photos and videos and memories.

My birthday celebrations extended out over the full week. (I am NOT complaining.) And I got to hang with (almost) everyone I knew or was related to at one point or another. Seriously, this trip was complete bliss.

As most of you already know, I also blog over at Babalú and at the Tiki Tiki. I was particularly pleased that I got to hang with all the folks I usually only see online.

My friend and partner in blogdom, Carrie Ferguson-Weir, is much more on the ball than I am (and much bossier, too, but that's not important right now) and has already started posting videos of all the people we chased down with our video cameras to talk about "el Tiki Tiki."

Carrie & me



Do yourself a favor and head on over to the Tiki Tiki this week. You won't be sorry. I think the interviews we got were pure gold. Oh, and don't be surprised if you find yourself on camera there, too.

Here she puts me on the spot. (Yes, my face really is that round. I know. Shut up.)