O Christmas Tree?

The following post has been written for your reading pleasure by none other than Kikita.

At this point, I expect you all know of my dear friend Sheila and have figured out that I spend a whole lot of time with her, which is why she is always in my blog stories, but that's not important right now.

All through our many adventures in the month of December, I kept telling her she needed a Christmas tree. But she would complain about the hassle and what's the point? and why?

I'm telling you. All month. "Sheila, you need a tree."

When we saw the giant tree at Fashion Island is when I think I started to gain some ground . . .

Fashion island 2
So I took her to Target and we started talking about how a tree is a very personal thing. How your tree is an expression of yourself. I told her about how when I was little, we used to put our tree up Christmas Eve and then keep it up until the 3 Kings came on January 6th. Which led us into a talk about the 12 Days of Christmas, which led to our theme song for this past Christmas (that was introduced to me by Marc Masferrer - thanks Marc!)

Somehow, I finally convinced her to buy a small, fake tree. We made an event of the decorating (two days before Christmas) with music and hot apple cider . . . the works.

Sheila was very pleased. She had a blast decorating the tree. And it DID come out looking adorable.

Sheila tree 6

But now . . .