National Treasures
/We're having such an amazing time touring Washington DC, but we have. not. stopped.Today we visited: - The World War II Memorial. That deserves an entire post of its own. - The White House Tour (which totally made me want to design my own china but that's not important right now). =D - the Smithsonian Museum of Natural History. A massive T-Rex & The Hope Diamond all in one place - fun for the whole family! - The American History Museum where we got to see the original Old Glory...not ashamed to admit I wept copiously when I saw it. (Shut up. I know.)
Also on display, Abe Lincoln's Top Hat, the original Oscar the Grouch Muppet, Dorothy's Ruby Slippers, and Seinfeld's Puffy Shirt. =D - We bopped toThe Top of the Washington Monument. - The Iwo Jima Memorial. More weepies. - the Jefferson Memorial. - And finally the Roosevelt Memorial. We collapsed in a satisfied, exhausted heap.
In spite of what the humidity is doing to my hair (shut up!) it's an incredible privilege to be here.