It's not you. It's me.

So after I posted my "oh what a terrible businesswoman I am" speech this morning, about my Cuba to Go! business, I get an email from the fabulous and astute Marc Masferrer over at Uncommon Sense  (who by the way, loves Cuban women) asking:

"I was looking at your shirts, and I didn't see a place to designate the size? Am I missing something?"

Answer: Umm.... missing something?  Maybe it's because my SIZE fields have gone missing!  Oops! I have just been wondering why my orders have dropped off this last week and feeling sorry for myself. 

It turns out that my shopping cart people updated something which caused all the SIZE fields to blow away into cyberspace.  Luckily, I'm kind of intimate with my tech guy ;-)  and he's working on it right now and he's pretty tenacious about these things.  He keeps reminding me we're in this together and trying to keep me from freaking out more than I am. Cuba to Go! should be completely functional again in a few hours. 


It will probably take me that long to get this egg off my face.