A picture a day...

Photoface_copyI take pictures every day.

I know that sounds absurd.
What could be so interesting EVERY single day?
It is the little things that attract my attention.
Because I notice things around me and am always thinking.

It's pretty simple to document the BIG events. The birthdays, Christmases, vacations, etc.  But I am aware that it is in our most ordinary  moments that we are most authentic.
The Moments are what we remember.
It is the little things.
Sometimes it's just the perspective of that moment.
I have what I call "Mission Viejo Moments."
There are places in and around my neighborhood that are serene and beautiful in their ordinariness.
I wonder.. how many ordinary things in my life that I take for granted will I someday miss?

I will not miss my kids growing up. Changing. Just being.

I document their progress, their personal growth, the latest hairdo, their best friends. The things that are important to them today. In this moment.

This is why I always carry a loaded and charged camera with me.
I love my camera. (Olympus E-300 Evolt. 8.0 megapixels - -yeah, baby!)
I want to marry it. (sorry, Eric)

Is this just an old fear I carry around with me, like my camera bag?
I just know that things change.
And I don't mind change.

I just don't want to miss it.