I might not have minded if George Clooney was involved*

I say it all the time when we have a lot going on:

"We don't have time for an emergency room visit this week."

It's rehearsal/tech week for Willy Wonka which is this coming weekend and besides putting some last minute touches on those backdrops (will share later), I am also dressing 20 Oompa-Loompas, 8 Candy Kids, and assorted Golden Ticket winners and their parents.

Me: "Remember, we don't have time for an emergency room visit this week!"

But Adam never listens. *sigh*

Separated shoulder

That (I found out) is what a separated shoulder looks like.  Eeeww!
He went snowboarding this morning, which of course, meant a trip to the E.R. this afternoon. *heavy sigh*

Don't you agree I should be somehow compensated for this blatant rule-breaking??

Me: "Don't think I'm not going to blog about this, because I totally am!"

So just because he didn't listen, he's going to have to share his pain meds with me.  ;-)

(*for the uninformed, George Clooney played the lovable Dr.Doug Ross on the tv series