Mi casa es su casa

Heritage_bb086I loved playing house when I was a little girl. 

I know that's really politically incorrect for little girls now, but I grew up rocking baby dolls and setting my kid-size table. Being a little Cuban girl, I was groomed for homemaking, but really, I am hard-wired that way anyway.

When Eric and I got married, we spent our wedding night at the Heritage Park Inn, a bed and breakfast inn located in Old Town, San Diego. It was such a wonderful place. An old Victorian home filled with antiques. Warm and inviting. 

We returned on our 10th Anniversary. I'm kind of thinking this year, our 15th, we should probably go there again. (thinly veiled hint there, Honey. =D)

Yesterday as I was gathering up a folded load of laundry and taking it upstairs, I started reminiscing about the B & B.  Staying there made such an impact on me.

Let me explain.
The rooms were clean and cozy and each one had a theme. There were quilts on all the beds. The parlor (living room) was a place where people wanted to linger and talk, play games or make puzzles. Their breakfast was a sit down affair with their signature gourmet French toast.

I've never forgotten the impact of that feeling of being so warmly welcomed.  And staying there brought back memories of  "playing house"  as a little girl.

I loved the inviting beds with the big pillow tops. The lovingly served gourmet breakfasts.
In fact, I kept telling Eric, "this place has a certain nostalgia for me. It reminds me of my grandmother's house in Cuba. It has that same feeling."

Then, it occurred to me that my grandmother totally had that hospitality vibe going on, and therefore it was probably something I could duplicate in my own home. Maybe not the mahogany antiques and Baccarat crystal, but certainly that Sit Long ~ Talk Much FEELING.

So, there it is. My philosophy on homemaking, decorating and entertaining...
I pretend I am running a bed & breakfast inn.

Mrs. Darby's Cuban Bed & Breakfast Inn.

Yes, I said pretend.  See? I am still really just a little girl playing house all over again. =D