I *heart* blogging or $8.95 well-spent
/I've been blogging for about 2 1/2 years now.
When I first started it was kind of a dirty-little-secret. I just didn't know how to explain it. So I didn't. But I know I was constantly looking for stories to tell.
Maybe it was an age thing? Or an untapped (for me) creative outlet?
I just know that as a scrapbooker and storyteller and accidental family historian I had stuff to say. I honestly didn't expect anyone except my family and maybe a few friends to even read it.
Eric (my sweet husband) was the one who encouraged me, "Just write from your heart. You have a lot to share."
And so I started my blogging adventure.
I researched blogging platforms and knew immediately that TypePad was the one that most fit my style.
Almost immediately I had to upgrade from the $4.95 a month Basic to the $8.95 per month Plus. (No, I'm not quite a $14.95 per month Pro, but that's not important right now.)
And so I blog. I'm a blogger. A Cuban-American Blogger.
And I love it.
1. I get to write about the things I'm passionate about.
2. I get to cook and share my food with you. (If you lived nearby, I'd just invite you over....)
3. Blogging has made it possible for me to connect with Cubans all over the world. (isn't that crazy?)
4. Blogging forces me to think. (Always a plus.)
5. I get to blog about anything that's interesting to me or funny or serious.
6. It's the next best thing to being a stand-up comedian. (which I totally might have been, if I hadn't found blogging. =D)
7. If I Google "my big fat cuban family" I'm all over the first 3 pages of Google which makes me feel accidentally cool.
8. I really think the name of my blog is inspired. ;-)
9. My blog is mine. It completely reflects my ideas, my values, my point of view. (except when my daughters hijack it...)
10. Blogging is therapeutic at times.
11. My blog has helped me to meet some of my very favorite people.
12. Blogging gives me something to talk about. "So, what do you do?"
13. Blogging is easy.
14. My blog has given me a way to reach the next generation of young Cuban-Americans. I love that.
15. I've gotten to meet most of the Smart Cuban Authors on my list there on the right.
16. My blog is like an archive of my life. (only a bit neater than my journal and with pictures!)
17. I get to celebrate the milestones in the lives of those closest to me. I like that a lot. A Tribute post being much better and more thoughtful than a Hallmark card, in my opinion.
18. I get to be myself. (Yes, I am genuinely this goofy.)
19. I get to write as much or as little as I like. I get to write about deeply thought out subjects and I get to write "toss away" posts just because I feel like it.
20. Blogging has given me a reason to open a youtube account (I'm smrtqbn) and a twitter account. (I kind of suck at twittering so far, but I plan to get better.)
21. I love posting pictures to illustrate my stories.
22. Reading blogs is what I do each morning with my coffee. I make it a point to comment if I read something that intrigues or amuses. I know that we bloggers love comments. (hint, hint)
23. Blogging lets me occasionally over-share with impunity.
24. Blogging has helped me find my voice - and it doesn't sound at all like what I imagined...
25. I'm VERY proud to be a blogger now.
And no, I'm not celebrating any kind of anniversary, but okay..... I'll still give something away....
I have mugs with each of the original provinces on them. La Habana, Pinar del Rio, Oriente, Matanzas, Las Villas, Camaguey. Leave me a comment and tell me which part of the island your family is from and (if applicable) how long you've been reading this blog. The winners will get to choose the mug with the Province of their choice. I think it's only fair.
I'll do a drawing on Friday, the 20th, which, come to think of it is the date I posted my world-famous Guavalicous pastelito recipe which put me on the Cuban food blogging map. So, there it is. Something to celebrate!
Thanks for reading MBFCF.
I'm a blogger. I blog. I *heart* blogging. =D