How I Choose Who Gets the Giveaway Stuff (and Espresso Set Winner)

I'm still laughing at how seriously you all take your "taka taka" and how often you celebrate National Coffee Day. Some of you, it seems, celebrate National Coffee Hour, but that's not important right now. ;-)

I hope you enjoyed the "Taka Taka Time" video. I laugh out loud every time I watch it. It's obvious that I share my genetic material with those two, isn't it? (I know. Shut up.)

Espresso set

I'm grateful to all of you for taking the time to leave a comment and enter the drawing. I have lots more giveaways coming up in the next few weeks. 

(SPOILER: Tomorrow I'm celebrating a big bloggy thing with some giveaways. Now that I told you, I may have to kill you.....)

I love hosting giveaways, but I'm always so conflicted, because I hate choosing just one winner. (Can you say, "co-dependent?")

In case you were curious, this is how I choose that one winner:

  • I read all the entries and check for duplicates. (If there are dupes, I don't count the 2nd entry in the final tally. I think it's only fair.)
  • I enter the number of comments from 1 to 32 (in this case) into the Random Number Generator at
  • It immediately generates a number. 

Like so:

Screen shot 2011-09-30 at 6.37.35 PM

  • Then I come back and count the comments until I get to that number and take a screen shot of the comment, like so:

Screen shot 2011-09-30 at 6.36.45 PM

  • And then I congratulate the winner and ask them to send me an email so I can send the goodies to them.

So....congratulations, Crystal! 

Please send me an email with HEY, MARTA! I WON STUFF ON YOUR BLOG! in the subject line (so I don't accidentally delete it) with your snail mail address so I can send out your Coffee Goodies ASAP! You've won - a 10 oz. can of Bustelo Espresso Supreme, a 1.75 oz. jar of Café Bustelo Instant Coffee, and that beautiful Fiesta espresso set. (For those of you that are interested in purchasing your own, I got it from Cost Plus World Market - they have them in jumbo mug size, too. You're welcome.)

  • Then I wait for an email from the excited winner.
  • As soon as I get an address to send the stuff to, I pack it and ship it to the winner. Or sometimes, the company who sponsors will send stuff out to the winner directly. 
  • And if you've ever won anything from me, that doesn't disqualify you in any way from winning again, so you're welcome to enter as many separate giveaways as you like. (Just not multiple entries on the same post. Did that make sense?)

I so delight in hosting giveaways, because I personally know how fun it is to get cool stuff in the mail and I love sharing. Plus I seriously love interacting with you. I love that you tell me about your coffee drinking or rice making or *insert random giveaway question of the day here* habits. 

You are genuinely the loveliest blog readers ever. 

Thank you!