Grueling workout schedule . . .

The majority of my time for the past few days has been spent like this:

Saturday (celebrating with Eric's lovely family):

Sunday (our yearly trip to Porto's to pick up tamales, croquetas and sweet stuff):

Monday (celebrating Noche Buena with my big, fat Cuban family):

Tuesday morning (celebrating Christmas at our house):

Tuesday evening (celebrating with Christmas dinner at our house):

As you can see, it's been quite a workout! 
~ Loading my plate.
~ Finding my spot.
~ Pouring the wine.
~ Shoveling the food. =D

(I won't even mention the table setting, cooking, clearing and dish washing. . .)

How do you follow up a grueling workout like this?

I'm thinking we might just take it easy today . . .

. . . and go for a walk in the park.  ;-)