
Okay, people. You did it. I am officially overwhelmed. Thank you all for the birthday love and especially to my first-born who wrote that beautiful tribute. Thanks, Amy Kikita! (I can't get used to calling her that, but that's not important right now.)

And yes, I'm twenty-one... with thirty-two years of experience. ;-)

So, I've been kind of milking this birthday thing out for about a week now. As a matter of fact, I started celebrating last Sunday in Miami with my sweet cousin, Maria, who made me a fabulous Cuban dinner and put up a Happy Birthday sign and had a cake for me and everything.
Ganga & me
She told the (Cuban) gal at the (Cuban) bakery to write Happy Birthday, Marti.
"Como Jose Marti*, pero sin el Jose."
("Like Jose Marti, but without the Jose.")

This person went into the back to write on the cake and came out with a cake that read, (you guessed it...) "Happy Birthday, Jose."

You can't make up this kind of stuff. =D

Thanks again everyone!

*Jose Marti is a Cuban poet, patriot and saint.