Drama is My Life.

"You haven't been blogging very much lately."

The criticism is accurate.

I figured out that even though I do a lot, I can't do everything. (But I'm still doing a lot!)

So, besides cooking and laundry and educating my kids and doing life, what else is going on?

Well, Jonathan and Lucy are both in Drama Productions, so I can say with complete certainty that right now:

Drama is My Life. =D

The show Jon is in is called Give My Regards to Broadway and includes a cast of 24 in 18 numbers. And I'm in charge of costumes for them all. Do the math. That's like 400 costume changes.


Lucky for me, I'm just overseeing this madness, and not really having to sew much. I have a crack team of Costume Helpers Goddesses who are making adjustments and fitting these beautiful pieces to each kid.


Not to mention my Embellishers. (Hey, that works on multiple levels!)

Costume details 

My job is to oversea this craziness and make sure those young thespians look wonderful. (All I need is a tiara and a scepter.)


So, if you're wondering where I've been....

You can find me somewhere between the band uniforms...

Costume hat 

and the fake beards....


Right in the center of it all with a big grin on my face. =D

Costume room copy