Doing My Duty

I got my jury summons a few weeks ago. And as dutifully as ever I called in on the special jury selection hotline, fully expecting to be dismissed from jury duty. 

It didn't happen. (What?)

So I dutifully came to the Superior Court of the Bubble this morning, fully expecting to have them say, "thanks, but no, thanks."

Again, didn't happen. 

All that to say this:
I was chosen to perform my civic duty and I now have the happy privilege to serve as a member of a jury for the next few weeks. 

I fully intend to become the Ringleader. Or Mouthpiece. Or whatever it is you call the Person Who Gets to Represent the Dozen of Us.

Photo on 2010-10-25 at 08.06
Me and my laptop in the jury room.

Until then, just call me Juror #12. ;-)
