Crunch time
/We voted today. Yep, we are mail-in voters. At least we are now.
Based on the long lines and the hours it took two years ago, even though my daughter and I had an absolute blast waiting in line, it's not an experience I'm anxious to revisit.
This is a new thing for us so we sat down reverently and filled out our ballots carefully. We made our best-informed decision for the highest office in the land and also for (or against) the propositions proposed in our fair state. (I will not barrage or annoy you with my opinions; I trust that if you're of voting age, you are intelligent enough to make your own informed decisions.)
It felt like a REALLY INTENSE multiple-choice test where you don't even know if you're being graded on the curve or not. (Insert hand-wringing and a mild bead of sweat on my upper lip here.)
I am a proud, naturalized American citizen.
And even though I joke a lot, I take some things very seriously.
Like the freedom to elect our leaders. And I am passionate about what a privilege it is to live in this country and to exercise this right. I take voting very seriously.
But that doesn't mean I've completely lost my sense of humor. =D