Ceasing from my labors
/On this day, designed as a day of rest, this is where you'll find us.
That's right. We'll be at home. Taking a break from the busyness of our lives.
At least just for today...
I will be stopping.
Stopping my running around.
Stopping to just sit.
Stopping my compulsive list-making.
Stopping to read a bit.
Stopping to putter around the garden a bit.
Stopping to just sit outside and watch the flowers grow.
Stopping to enjoy being home.
Just for today...
I will stop being so busy and I will just BE.
Now you...
Take a break.
Right now.
Stop what you're doing.
And relax.
Celebrate the end of summer.
Enjoy your day off.
(I never said I'd stop being bossy. =D)
Happy Labor Day!