"Bright light city gonna set my soul on fire" (isn't that just an awesome lyric?)

Okay, so I know that everyone's family is quirky. But sometimes I think my people take it to another level.

And as soon as I start telling them what we're doing and they give me the "deer in the headlights" look, I know I'm right.

So, we're taking some time off and going away for the weekend to go meet the rest of the family and some friends for An Auspicious Event.

Our four hour drive takes us through lovely (?) Baker, California. Home of the World's Largest Thermometer and with the dubious claim to fame of being the Gateway to Death Valley (seriously).


The World's Largest Thermometer will most likely be registering in the 100's as is typical for this garden spot on a typical July day.

Our destination?

Fabulous Las Vegas, of course!

The reason?

Umm.... it involves the Graceland Wedding Chapel, an Elvis Impersonator Tribute Specialist, and my big, fat, Cuban family.

I'll have to blog about it in great detail when we return after the weekend.


Until then...Viva Las Vegas!