Bilingual in the Bubble

DISCLAIMER: The following post may not be completely understandable to my non-Cuban blog readers. I apologize in advance.
Me & Carrie  
I often refer to South Orange County (where we live) as The Bubble. This is white whole-wheat bread capital of So Cal.
I miss my Bilingual in the Boonies friend, Carrie. Unlike my (lovely and fabulous) American friends, Carrie "gets" me and I "get" her in that inimitable Cuban way. In other words we speak the same Spanglish. =D

For example, she didn't bat an eye when I told her that I was not just tired, I was "desmoñingada." (umm... extremely tired). And then she called me "una fiera" (a ferocious beast) and of course, I took that as a compliment. We spent hours "metiendo tremenda muela." (umm... talking... a lot).  She explained some ideas she had about sending my cookbook to Andy Garcia (which we'll discuss in greater detail later, but that's not important right now) and her explanation "me la puso en China" (umm...appeared to create some difficulty for me). There it is. Hours of Spanglish fun for the whole family! That's right, my whole family and hers, too...

Yes, that includes Maria, who knew exactly what to do when my kids yelled "un besito!"

Kids w Maria
Los extrañamos muchisimo! Too bad you live "en casa de yuca!" (umm...far. =D)