Be it ever so humble...

Thanks to all of you who participated in the drawing for the mugs:


I took all of your names and plugged them into a list at and the following names/comments popped up:


Marti, I think I have been reading MBFCF for about two years. Actually, it's been longer that that. Wow - in the cyberworld, that's probably the equivalent to a decade! LOL. Although I was born here, my mom is from Oriente and my Dad is from Camaguey, although they met in La Habana. I've been to all three parts of the island and I enjoyed each one.

Feel better!



Oriente - la tierra de los martires y los calientes - please.


Marta, my little touchstone to Cuba ... glad you are up & about! My mami is from Sagua la Granda, Papi from Guantanamo and my brother and I were born in La Habana, where, unbelievably, my abuela's house still stands today. I found your blog via Babalu Blog and am hooked on your recipes.
Besos y abrazos, amiga!


Congratulations and Thank You for reading MBFCF and for sharing your lives with me. I can't tell you just how much that means to me. I often tell people that one of the highlights of blogging for me has been to be able to hear other people's stories.  I love how in your short 3 line comments you shared so much of yourselves. I'm so grateful.

Winners, please email me ASAP - in the subject line write: MARTA, I WON STUFF ON YOUR BLOG!  And send me your snail mail address and which mug you'd like me to send you.

And just for the record:
Luza & papi
My mom, Luz Perez-Puelles, was from Puerto Padre, Oriente.
My dad, Rodolfo Antonio Verdés was from Pinar del Rio.
They met at the University of Havana, (this is from my mom's graduation & before they were married in 1939).
My parents stayed in La Habana, married there and started their family.
I was born in La Habana in 1955.
We lived in El Nuevo Vedado.  #33 Avenida de La Loma.

"Home is where one starts from." ~ TS Elliot

Happy Friday!

Ooops! I almost forgot....

If you didn't win, but would still like a mug, please get yourself over to my online store Cuba To Go! (I have other cool stuff there too. =D)