3:05 Miami Cafecito Break (MBFCF Giveaway #6)

Because I have had such a great response from my sponsors, I'm proud to announce that I have a few more 7th Blogiversary giveaways for you. Isn't that awesome? I have to say right here how much I love my people.

Last year when I was in Miami I stumbled upon a wonderfully clever idea that has since become a movement.

There are a few things you need to know for any of this to make sense.

  1. 305 is the area code for Miami, Florida.
  2. It's a habit for us Cubans to enjoy an afternoon espresso pick-me-up. Much like the English Tea Time, but without extending the pinky.
  3. The beautiful and talented JennyLee Molina and her agency JLPR originated the concept that 3:05 should then become the official cafecito time for the city of Miami.
  4. JennyLee Molina is a PR genius.

305 cafecito of miami

From the Official 3:05 Cafecito website:

The idea came about to unify the Cuban coffee culture and create and on-line community that would enjoy sharing this mutual love for Miami's nectar.

You don't need to be Cuban to enjoy it or even from Miami but Cuban coffee drinkers understand the culture. The window of a Cuban restaurant is the original social network. It is where, on any hot afternoon, you might find a relative, an old friend, the Mayor of Miami or Dwyane Wade. Sharing a coloda is an act of friendship and solidarity. 

What is Miami without cafecito?

What indeed?

I so love the entire concept of sharing your cafecito. When Amy was in Miami in June, she connected with JennyLee and reported what I already suspected: She's an absolute doll and a genius. ¡Claro que si!

Today's giveaway is sponsored by my cyberfriend, JennyLee Molina and 3:05 Cafecito of Miami.

MBFCF Giveaways

MBFCF Blogiversary Giveaway #6:

3:05 Cafecito of Miami Gift Basket

305 cafecito

The gift basket includes the following:

  • Two tacitas
  • two tshirts
  • 1 cafe La Llave
  • 1 cafetera
  • 1 espumera
  • azucar
  • 4 stickers

1) To enter this drawing for this beautiful 3:05 Cafecito of Miami Gift Basket, please leave a comment on this post and answer one or both of the following questions:

  • Do you take an afternoon cafecito break? Or tea time? 
  • What does that look like? (On the run? In the break room? Meet up with friends? At home?)

Please leave your comment on this post and I'll choose a winner on Thursday, October 17th, 2013 at 11am PST.

2) For an extra entry, please go "like" 3:05 Miami Cafecito Break on Facebook and come back and leave me another comment telling me:  

  • "I like 3:05 Miami Cafecito Break!"

So that's not one, but two entries. I'm a giver that way.

Also, if you're on Instagram, Twitter, or Facebook and want to share your cafecito, use the Hashtag #305cafecito. You just might just find yourself as part of the 3:05 Cafecito community.

How accidentally cool is that?

Cafe la llave