National College Savings Month
/I know you want to know, so here goes: The grandsons are both growing and changing. It's happening so super quickly. Whoever first said, "Time flies" was obviously watching as their children (or grandchildren) grew and changed before their very eyes.
Asher. 2 years old.
Sweet Asher (in Virginia) just celebrated his 2nd birthday. Also, look at those curls! He obviously takes after his Wella, but that's not important right now.
Of course, we Skyped and waved and gushed and clapped. I don't want to brag, but Eric and I pretty much excel at this Long Distance Cyber-Grandparenting Thing.
And Sebastian? (call him "Bash") has passed the 3 month milestone. He's super chatty - in a beautiful cooing baby way - and is starting to roll over. Milestones are happening every day!
Sebastian. 3 months old.
Eric and I are already looking to their future. We don't know what they will dream of being and doing, but as good grandparents - hence my Instagram hashtag: #callmeWella - we know we want to help in anyway possible.
Enter ScholarShare and National College Saving Month. I want to help spread the word about the importance of saving for college - starting NOW - and the benefits of California's 529 plan.
September is National College Savings Month (who knew?) and ScholarShare is hosting its annual College Savings Pledge Sweepstakes.
As part of the pledge, participants are encouraged to declare how much they can save on a monthly basis for their future college grad - even if it's just $25. (Baby Steps, people!)
Throughout September, five eligible sweepstakes entrants will be selected each week to receive $500 (in the form of a ScholarShare Gift of College gift card) to support their savings goals.
To enter for a chance to win, California parents, grandparents, guardians or family members can submit an official entry form at The sweepstakes begins at 8 a.m. PT on Sept. 1, 2016 and ends at 8 a.m. PT on Sept. 30, 2016.
Here’s how it works:
- Visit
- Enter your college savings goal and provide your contact information. Enter for a chance to win!
- For an additional chance to win, once you sign the pledge, share it with your friends and family. also has facts and downloadable resources for your readers – all on the topic of saving for college.
The sweepstakes is open to legal residents of the State of California who:
- Are at least 18 years or age or older and have a social security number or federal taxpayer identification number
- Have not won a prior sweepstakes with ScholarShare in the past 12 months.
I love the whole concept of the ScholarShare Savings Plan. And I'm delighted to be able to share with you this easy way in which we can help ensure our grandsons' future.
At the forefront of my mind is always this... Time Flies. Or as we say in Latin,
Tempis Fugit.
Also, thank God for Skype.
For more information about ScholarShare, click here. Questions? Would you like to know more? Connect with ScholarShare on Facebook and Twitter.
This is a sponsored post on behalf of ScholarShare for which I received compensation. All opinions and those beautiful grandsons are 100% my own.