Starting Small and Dreaming Big

The new grandson, Sebastian (call him "Bash"), has us all nutty in the best possible way. I seriously cannot get enough of holding him and just staring. 

And as I do, I'm aware of how quickly time is going by. People, he's already a month old! Maybe it's because I have this guy in such close proximity that I'm barely aware of how much he's grown and changed. I'm looking at the photos of him a mere month ago in the hospital and am comparing to the ones I took today. (Yes, I take photos of him every single day, but that's not important right now.) He is looking more and more like a little person as opposed to a fresh-out-of-the-oven newborn. 

Seriously, he's growing right under our noses and we're barely realizing how quickly this first month has happened.

Those newborn onesies that were so big on him 3 weeks ago? He's outgrown those. We are ready to graduate to the next size of diapers, too. He's consistently sleeping about 4 hours at a time now. That first bath that was so nervous-making? Now it's part of his routine. 

All these presumably quick changes are making me think of his future. BECAUSE IT'S GOING TO BE HERE QUICKLY. Sorry for yelling, but I feel like it will be no time at all before he's going to be going away to college and I'll be the gray-haired granny waving and going, "Take care of yourself, mijo! Don't forget your pastelitos!"

A little dramatic? Okay. Maybe. But I still want to bless him as he grows and I know it's not too early to start dreaming of Big Things for him. This is why I am already starting to save for his college years. 

I'm proud to be partnering with ScholarShare and am delighted that they have made a way for me to move toward my Big Dream for my grandson through their ScholarShare California 529 Savings Plan

Planning and saving for college is super easy, especially for those of us who are more creative types and math may not be one of our *ahem* strengths, but we are still Big Dreamers. Also, you can pretty much start a 529 ScholarShare Savings Plan at any time in the child's life with a small commitment of $25.00. I firmly believe there's no shame in starting small. Like today.

Because Big Dreams are pretty possible when you start small.

Because, as I often find myself telling Amy lately:

"The days are long. But the years are short." 

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This is a sponsored post on behalf of ScholarShare for which I received compensation. All opinions are 100% my own.