I Love Coffee - A Winner
/One of the most fun things about doing giveaways is reading over your comments. When I do, I often wish I could give every single person who entered a prize, but sadly, that's not possible, at least today it's not.
Anyway, the way I choose a winner is I take the number of comments (excluding any duplicates) and enter that number into the True Random Number Generator on Random.org. and that gives me the number of the winning comment. It's a lot more efficient than putting all the comments into a hat, and sooo much more 2015.
The winner of the Cafe La Llave Bag of Coffee Awesome (according to the very impartial Random.org) goes to...
Congratulations, Maite!
Please send me an email with HEY, MARTA! I WON STUFF ON YOUR BLOG! in the subject line so I don't accidentally delete it. Send me your mailing address and I'll get out your coffee goodies to you ASAP.
Thanks to all of you for participating. (Maybe I could give out gold stars for Participation?) And a great big, thank you to Gaviña Coffee Roasters for their generous donation to this giveaway.
Disclaimer: I received a bag of coffee items like the one shown to enjoy and another to give away. I was not compensated by Gaviña to do this. I just happen to really love their coffee. Also, all the opinions are my own.