Focusing on the Important Stuff

I started this new year with great hopes just like everyone else. I don't usually make resolutions, but I do choose one word that I think helps me clarify my intentions for the year.

For this new year, I've chosen the word, FOCUS.

I can sometimes be Felony A.D.D.*    (*So easily distracted that it should be against the law. =D)

I'm working on documenting my word along with Ali Edwards and am taking her online class as I work out how this word will apply to my life this year.

Then, 2011 actually began....

And I have started out the year with some personal health challenges. (No, I'm not going to blog about this stuff. I don't particularly want to write about it and you don't want to read about it. Just trust me.)

So, I am forced to spend the next few weeks FOCUSING on my health which leaves me to blog sporadically, if at all....

Once I am able to FOCUS on my health and get myself back on track, I won't be as distracted and I will be able to FOCUS on blogging and telling my stories once again.

Thanks for understanding.

(If you don't already do this, you are welcome to subscribe to my RSS feed so that you can see when I post again, or you're welcome to peruse my extensive archives and amuse yourself until I'm feeling better.)

I've got lots of great plans and things I am looking forward to sharing, so, please don't go away.....I'll be right back. ;-)
