Cuba Nostalgia - Tell them, "Marta sent me!"

I didn't get to go to Miami for Cuba Nostalgia this year. And I'm feeling a little sorry for myself.

It's the 15th anniversary of Cuba Nostalgia and the brilliant Tony Mendoza did the poster for the event which I'm totally in love with.


Get it? 15 years. The Quinceañera. Genius.

I already put out the word to my people on the ground in Miami (I'm looking at you, Amanda from Brandon's Puppy) that I must have this poster, but that's not important right now.

I have lots of friends who will be at the Fair Expo Center in Miami this weekend.

Of course, Babalú Blog will represent. It's their 10th Anniversary in the Blogosphere telling the truth about Cuba. Congratulations, guys! So proud to be a part of the Babalú Family.

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I lamented my inability to be present to my friends at Santayana Jewelers, who always have a wonderful presence there. 

Santayana at Cuba Nostalgia

They're running a Cuba Nostalgia Special this weekend:

If you buy 4 of the Cuban Charms for your Habana Collection Bead Charm Bracelet, they'll throw in a 5th charm for free. Awesome, right?

1) I don't have to tell you this, but if you're Cuban or love all things Cuban, you must have a Cuban Charm bracelet. (Duh.)

2) If you already have the bracelet, you will want as many Cuban charms as you can fit on it, right?

Santayana cuban bead bracelet

Wait! It gets better...

3) If you're a MBFCF (which, obviously, you are if you're reading this now...)

"The first 5 people to come over and say Marta Sent Me get a free "cafecito"charm."

Cafecito charm
What are you waiting for, people? Go! Get yourselves over to the Santayana Jewelers booth at Cuba Nostalgia this weekend and say, Marta Sent Me! (I'll expect a full report from the lucky 5.)

Also, have a guarapo for me.

Thanks, Santayana! You are the maximum!

Link Love

I've been blogging here at MBFCF for almost four years (Wow! That's like high school!) now.

I love blogging as an a creative outlet. Not only because it's my blog and I can write pretty much whatever I want, but also because I get feedback. And for the most part, that feedback is positive, which makes me happy. 

I enjoy blogging so much that I also cook (and write) over at Babalú blog as you know. My feature there is called Marta's Cuban American Kitchen. That's where most of my recipes live on the web.

Martas kitchen logo 1 copy-1

I'm assuming you already know that I also co-edit a blog called Tiki Tiki with my friend, Carrie Ferguson Weir of Bilingual in the Boonies fame. 


Carrie gave me the news yesterday that had chosen the Tiki Tiki as one of their Must-Read Moms: Mom Blogs We Love

I was especially excited that they chose a blurb from one of my articles. (See actual post about my family's cleaning habits here.) They also mention my recipes.... 

And I quote: "And the recipes!? Oh. My."

I know. Shut. UP!

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Our friends from Modern Mami and Spanglish Baby also made the list. Congratulations, amigas!

If you get a chance, check out the other Mom Blogs. Those women are talented! But also, get yourself over to the Tiki Tiki. Check out the contributor articles and videos. And you may want to consider sharing some of your stories there. (Sin pena!)

What exactly is the Tiki Tiki?  This video from Cuba Nostalgia explains a lot.

Look for Christina Diaz Gonzalez, author of The Red Umbrella. Also, Tony Mendoza the phenomenal Cuban artist. My friend, Val Prieto, editor of Babalú blog is represented here. And yes, you may even recognize yourself.

I feel sooo accidentally cool once more. =D