History, Geography, Architecture, and Design - Now that's what I call a Field Trip!

Can I just tell you how much fun it is to go to Vegas?  Especially (I found out) with my two homeschooled kids.  (I LOVE going with Amy too because she and I always have so much fun and that's completely different, but that' s not important right now.)

Lucy and Jonathan know stuff. (not at all implying that Amy doesn't, it's just more surprising when it comes from these two, but that's not important right now either.)

Like about the temples of ancient Egypt and about the avenue bordered by sphinxes connecting Karnak to the Temple of Luxor.  Who knew?


Or about how the Paris Opera House is designed in the neo baroque style and is the setting for the legend of the Phantom of the Opera.  He (the phantom) was apparently haunting THAT particular Opera house and while we're on the subject, do you know just how exactly they make that chandelier crash down during every performance and how it's engineered so nobody gets hurt??  My fascinated son can tell you that it free falls 43 feet in 3.5 seconds before it comes to an abrupt stop.  Who knew?


Did you know that the man made lake that fronts the Bellagio Hotel encompasses eight acres and the Bellagio Fountains span one thousand feet across this lake?  Or that the song, Luck be a Lady, sung by Frank Sinatra (to which the waters were dancing) was from the musical Guys and Dolls which was produced in 1955.  Who knew?


And did you further know that seeing all these attractions in one afternoon and evening requires a lot of walking???  Who knew? 
(yes, that's Eric in his Old Guys Rule tshirt. =D)


And yes, I'm obviously really proud of my kids.  Homeschooling has paid off in so many ways and in so many areas of our lives.  I love how they are easy to be with and easy to take anywhere because they are so well read.  They are wonderful conversationalists and both have a quick wit which we always enjoy. 

But there are moments . . .

"Hey guys, sorry to burst your bubble, but that word in the center there means BREAD in French.  But that was a really great dramatic moment!"     Who knew?  ;-)