Cubamerican, the Movie (MBFCF Giveaway #3)

I'm always happy when the Cuban community steps up when asked and they have not dissapointed so far.

There's a beautiful documentary called Cubamerican. There will be two screenings next week here in Los Angeles:

Friday October 11th at 7pm and 9pm • Gene Autry Museum, Los Angeles

From the Cubamerican site:

CUBAMERICAN is the stirring story of how the Cuban Revolution shattered the Cuban family. Spanning the past 60 years of Cuban history, the film evokes this tragedy and its universal themes of loss, freedom, assimilation, struggle and triumph through the stories of Cuban exiles that have achieved acclaim in diverse fields in the U.S.A. and beyond, rendering a mosaic of a bittersweet exile experience. A pro-immigrant story that grapples with the agony of displacement, contributes rumination on the future of Cuba, and highlights the absolute need for all of the world's people to be able to freely exercise their fundamental human rights; CUBAMERICAN is an insightful and powerful experience.

Today's giveaway is generously sponsored by Cubamerican The Movie. It's for my Los Angeles people, so if you know anyone who deserves the tickets in our West Coast community, please leave a comment on this post and submit their names.


The producers of Cubamerican, as a heartfelt thank you to the Cubamerican community, have offered two (2) tickets each to the following for the 7 pm. screening of Cubamerican at the Autry Museum on Friday October 11th.

  1. A single mother/father who is an exemplary Cubamerican Mom/Dad.
  2. An armed services veteran of war
  3. An individual who risked their life for freedom.
  4. Someone who is battling a life-threatening illness.
  5. Someone who has made a difference in their community.

Leave a comment on this post with the name of the people you are nominating to enter. Leave as many names and reasons why as you think are deserving. Please answer one or all of the following questions:

  • What is the name of the person you're nominating.
  • Which of the 5 categories would they fall under and why?

Winners will be announced on Monday October 7th, 2013 at 11 am.

Also, this film will be screening very soon in in a city near you.

Follow Cubamerican La Pelicula on Facebook for the latest screening information.