What's Important Right Now - October

I often get distracted as I'm in the middle of telling a story and my go to disclaimer is, "but that's not important right now." 

But my life is in session and there are lots of things that are important. So I keep a list of 'present participles' or Things That Are Important Right Now. 

Loving my new website. Lucy has done an amazing job of getting me up to speed, but I'm still getting used to the new interface and I often feel like I'm slogging through mud, but it makes me happy every time I look at it. We're still making changes and tweaking things, but all in all, I'm in love. Also, have you checked out the Recipes page yet?

Working on some new items to add to my Etsy site, marta darby designs. For me, the creating takes a while and of course, I am my own worst critic. Right now I have a Cuban Food Poster (which is the most popular) and a Salvadorian Food Poster. I'll be adding some different cuisines in the next few weeks. 

Preparing for the big retail push for Christmas. If you are thinking of getting a Cuban Food Poster for the Cuban cook in your life, now's the time.

Watching the show, Merlin on Netflix with my son, Jonathan. I never even knew it existed and now we are so hooked. There are 5 seasons and if you like a good King-Arthur-and-the-knights-of-Camelot-fantasy-type adventure, this is the show for you. Plus, it has become a great bonding time with Jon.

Reading Creativity, Inc. (Overcoming The Unseen Forces That Stand In The Way Of True Inspiration) by Ed Catmull (President of Pixar Animation and Disney Animation) and Amy Wallace. I find myself recommending it to everyone I talk to and I'm only about a third of the way in. Very inspiring and interesting read. 

Counting down the days until Thanksgiving. We are all traveling to Washington D.C. to give thanks with Adam and Alysha and our sweet and perfect grandson, Asher. Super excited that Amy will be joining us there, too. I look forward to lots of playtime, turkey, monuments, and a perfect backdrop for our family Christmas photo, because I'll have ALL MY KIDS IN THE SAME AREA CODE, and you know that I take my job as Family Documentor very seriously. Also, I can't wait to get my hands on that baby! #CallMeWella

Here's my beautiful little Cuban boy who happens to be 2,680 miles away. *sigh*


Learning how to use Squarespace (this blogging platform) and feeling both excited and overwhelmed by how much I can do and the learning curve I'm still on. *right foot. left foot*

Two monitors make my life easier.

Trying to create a compelling newsletter. I don't think I've quite achieved this, but I'm trying. I find that Facebook tends to hide my posts from people who are interested in my new recipes and goings on, so I figured a newsletter would be easier to use to share information. If you haven't already, please sign up! 

Planning on making and sharing some fun recipes and videos. I'm actually quite inspired. I am seriously considering a YouTube series. It may or may not be because I have finally embraced my naturally curly hair. Stay tuned!

Marta Darby

Getting used to this new and exciting season in my life. I have time to do whatever I like. Not exactly sure what that is, but that's not important right now.