Giving stuff away - Disney DVDs

A few months back, Amy and I got the chance to preview the film, Gnomeo and Juliet from Disney Pictures. It's about Garden Gnomes in an ill-fated romance. Yes. Garden Gnomes. In love. I just love the wonderful absurdity of the entire premise.

Amy Kikita and I actually got to see it in theaters a few months back and while we were a bit tense about the clay figures bouncing around everywhere (Be careful you might break! *wince*) we thoroughly enjoyed the FABULOUS Elton John soundtrack and Jim Cummings was genius as the Pink Flamingo, Featherstone, but that's not important right now.

Here we are rocking those RED 3-D glasses. (I know. Shut up.)

3D glasses

I have a copy of the aforementioned Gnomeo & Juliet and a copy of the film, I Am Number Four, which my 15 year old, Jonathan, says is, "Phenomenal. I wish I could glow."  ;-)

The generous folks at Disney Pictures have offered to sponsor a DVD giveaway (and I graciously accepted their generous offer, thankyouverymuch). =D


For a chance to win both DVDs, please answer one or both of the following questions:

  • What's your favorite Elton John song?
  • Do you enjoy watching 3D movies? Why or why not?

I'll choose a winner on Monday, May 23rd at 11 am Pacific Time.

"Oh Gnomeo, Gnomeo. Wherefore art thou, Gnomeo?" ~Juliet


*Disclaimer: The videos were provided at no cost to me by Disney Pictures, the opinions are my own.

Voices from Mariel - a Giveaway

I'm often amazed at how little people here seem to know about the waves of Cuban immigrants refugees to this country.

The older folks seem to remember that in the early 60's there were some displaced Cuban children that needed homes. This they only know if one of the children ended up in their neighborhood. I'm referring, of course, to the Pedro Pan Flights, where 14,000 unaccompanied minors were sent to the U.S. by their terrified parents, hoping to save them from communism. They did. At great personal sacrifice. Read that story here.

But there are other stories. Some very dramatic, some with happy endings. As I start thinking about it, I realize that just about every Cuban has a "Cuando Sali de Cuba" story to tell.

The beautiful dvd Voices from Mariel tells the stories of those that left on the Mariel Boat Lift in 1980. They tell their stories. 125,000 Cubans were displaced. Their exodus was much different from ours (the first group), but super dramatic. And no, just because someone came to the U.S. via Mariel doesn't make them a felon. (You've watched Scarface a few too many times, but that's not important right now!)

I have a beautiful DVD that tells that story. It's called Voices from Mariel and it's just beautiful and oh so honest. So today's giveaway is a copy of Voices from Mariel.

To enter the drawing, please leave a comment and tell me your coming to America story.

  • Start off with....Cuando sali de Cuba.... tell me about your travels and how you found things in this country.
  • If you send it by email and with photos, I'll be happy to post it here, with your permission.
  • In fact, I think everyone should write down their story and share it. I'd love to give you a platform here.

Voices from Mariel

Please leave me a comment, here on this post and tell me 1) how and when your family left Cuba. (No matter the time.) 2) Tell me details you remember. 3) Send me photos. I want to know it all.

In turn, by leaving a comment or sending an email with story and photos, I will put your name into the drawing for the Voices of Mariel Boatlift DVD. 

It's a beautiful film. I promise you'll enjoy it. We are all one people. Cuban-Americans. And proud of it.

I'll pick a winner randomly on Saturday evening, May 21 at 6 pm Pacific.

Now, come on....Tell me your Coming to America story.

Happy 20 de Mayo!

Pirate Booty - (did I really just use "booty" in a post title?) And the winner is...

Thanks for those of you who entered the giveaway and shared those cool quotes for a chance to win some Pirate Booty (did I just use the word, "booty" in a sentence?).

I put the names (single entries) into the True Random Number Generator at and the winner is:


Brandon Goodyear said...

"Gentlemen, I wash my hands of this weirdness"


So, Brandon, congratulations on winning the Pirate Booty (What? Did I just do it again?). Please shoot me an email with your snail mail address and MARTA, I WON STUFF ON YOUR BLOG in the subject line, and I will forward it to the generous folks at Disney Pictures and they will send you your Pirate Booty (Someone stop me!).
Here's some fun Pirate Activity Sheets provided by the studio for your creative Pirate pleasure. Download Pirates Activity Pack.

I'm delighted to let you know that my kids and I get to attend a pre-screening of the movie on Wednesday. (Yes! *fist pull*) And I guarantee that I will be completely insufferable with the Pirate Jokes this week.
Do you have any good ones?
Q: Why couldn't the Pirates go see a movie?
A: Because it was rated "ARRRR."
Yo ho, people!

A Pirate's Life - A Cool Giveaway

You know how much I love All-things-Disney.

And can I just tell you how ready I am for summer? Not just because I'll have lots of down time (yay!), but also because summer is Blockbuster Movie Season. Am I right?

Jonny & penelope


First movie on my List of Blockbuster Movies I'm Looking Forward To: PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN: ON STRANGER TIDES which will be released next week just in time for my birthday. (Thank you, Disney People!)

Capn jack

Here are my reasons (in no particular order):

  • Johnny Depp.
  • Penelope Cruz.
  • The Fountain of Youth.
  • I can wear scarves and heavy eye makup and no one will think it's weird.
  • I have a Very Cool Piratey Giveaway.
  • Best movie quotes EVER.
  • One of Lucy's teachers from last semester, Tim Powers, wrote the novel that the screenplay was based on, but that's not important right now. (Notice the cool inscription, which reads: "For Lucy - Who will be signing books for me one day! Cheers, Tim Powers. I know. Shut up.)

  Tim Powers autograph

So, here's what the generous folks at Disney Studios Motion Pictures are providing for this Very Cool Piratey Giveaway Pack: 

1) PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN: ON STRANGER TIDES T-shirt in adult sizes of S, M, L (winner chooses)

Pirate stuff

2) PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN: ON STRANGER TIDES bandana in blackPirate bandana

3) PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN: ON STRANGER TIDES temporary tattoo (2 per winner)Pirate tattoo

I'm very pleased! This is some awesome pirate loot.

So, it's time to play along with me.

For a chance to win the Cool Piratey Giveaway Pack, please leave your favorite Cap'n Jack quote or dialogue from any of the Pirates of the Caribbean movies. Only in the comments section of this post.Or just leave a piratey sounding comment.

I'll choose a winner on Monday, May 16th at 11 am PST.

The film debuts on Friday, May 20th.  (Yay!)

Just to get in the groove, I'm going to go Like” PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN on Facebook at:

Please enjoy the movie trailer. Then think of your favorite quote and leave it here for me.

Okay, I'll start:

Cap'n Jack Sparrow: We are very much alike, you and I, I and you... us.
Elizabeth: Oh. Except for a sense of honor and decency and a moral center. And personal hygiene.
Cap'n Jack Sparrow: Trifles.
Good luck!